One of my favorite places to play is the famed Huntington Library and Gardens. Henry Huntington gifted his estate and art collection to the public as a non-profit cultural center. I was free to wander, sniff the flowers, talk to the fish and eyeball Van Gogh’s paintings to appreciate his genius. I like the way everyday objects are presented as Art. This early American chair collection was very peaceful and surprisingly beautiful. I also enjoyed chatting up the guards who looked exceedingly bored. After all, guards enjoy a playful moment like everyone else.
Drat, the museum guard
wouldn’t let me sit down.
The Chinese gardens next door are
equally lush, exotic and grand.
Koi are so smart, they beg for food like
a bunch of starving dogs.
I love the half moon bridge over the koi
pond. No pedestrians allowed.
Would you want the painter of this lady
to paint your portrait? A brave soul.
Neptune, like many Latin Lovers, does
NOT like for a lady to say “no”.
A serene entry to the lavish Japanese
gardens through a wisteria canopy.
I love Van Gogh from afar and up
close for his astonishing brush strokes.
A Calder sculpture, as big as two SUVs.
Far too big to be a breezy mobile.
A noble Roman–a George Clooney of
his day. Actually it’s Julius Caesar.
I loved the photos from Huntington Library and Gardens and enjoyed your playful comments.
Love your photos. As many times as I’ve visited there, I always enjoy it.